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Product Tag Engraving

Sale Price: £0.00

Laser engraving logos on to product tags.

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Product ID V63-GETIPTG
Price £0.00
Tax Tax not included
Min/Max Order 25 / -
Shipping Free Shipping or Chargeable on Final Invoice Creation
Ships in 7 day(s)
Return and Refund Policy This product cannot be returned or refunded.

Laser engraving logos on to product tags for branding purposes. Magnetic pin machine deburring/refinishing available only (if required).


Please use the 'Notes' section to advise us of further instructions if applicable. (Minimum order 50)


Upload your artwork as a black and white jpg, png or PDF file. Extra artwork charges may apply - contact us for more details before ordering if unsure.​


Two depths of engraving are available. The deep option is more durable than the light engraving and will possibly need refinishing - we can offer magnetic pin machine finishing only on this item.

A magnetic pin machine will give a reasonably bright finish and will remove the burr ready for you to bright final polish.


Choose the light mark for a cost effective laser mark and deep engraved for a more substantial look and luxury feel. You can also oxidise the detail to make it contrast and stand out more; Platinol works well for achieving this.


This service is for engraving only. Please send your tags to:

GETi 44 Hockley Street, Hockley, Birmingham B18 6BH



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